
Fresh thinking for clients and agencies. We do what’s needed to turn brand challenges into brand successes. We inject energy into brands and the teams that work on them. Projects include strategic workshops, advertising development, brand architecture, NPD opportunities and consumer research journeys in the quest for genuine insights that can really make a difference to a brand.


We think. We keep thinking. And we keep thinking until the solution becomes clear. Strategy for brands, brand portfolios or businesses. One off projects or away days and workshops.


We enjoy getting close to our clients business and even closer to the consumer. We use depth interviews, consumer safaris, qualitative and co-creative groups to really understand what drives consumers to products.


We work with you and your consumers to generate new ideas and new products that will make consumers love your brand. Ideas and products that are on strategy and build brands.


We listen.
We interrogate categories, capture insights and give birth to great ideas.

We listen to you. We listen to your consumer. We understand your competitors and draw on our experience across many different sectors to create strategies and recommendations that form the foundation for accessible, relevant and compelling brands. We believe the best strategies are easy to understand, practical to implement and delightfully simple.


    We hate marketing puff. We have a shared a passion for keeping things simple. We don’t like smoke and mirrors or unnecessarily complex models, processes or solutions. When we get it right it feels simple.


    We are insanely nosy. We uncover great insights by asking great questions. We keep asking until we really understand what makes consumers get who you are, love what you do and want what you have.


    We believe great ideas come from creative, lateral thinking around powerful, unique insights. These are developed, honed and made compelling from the collaboration of lively intellects.


    We are driven by ideas that grow brands. We don’t just give you ideas – We give you clear, practical executable strategies that work in the real world.


We started small. And we’ve kept it that way because it works. You get us every step of the way. We don't have fancy offices, secretaries or account handlers. We attend the briefing. We think hard. We uncover genuine insights. We liaise and work enthusiastically with our clients. We use our experience, tenacity and creative thinking to form powerful, effective strategies. We love working as a team and thrive on the knowledge that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. We bring different things to the party but contribute equally to the end result. We enjoy what we do!
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25+ yrs of marketing strategy experience working across agency and client roles in the UK and NZ. Paul offers a rare mix of conceptual and hands on practical experience.
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15+ yrs in brand planning, research and coaching in the UK and NZ. Sarah brings her knowledge of human behaviour, facilitation skills and insights to every brief.


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